
Showing posts from December, 2014


每逢大节日,我的愤世嫉俗就会好像荷尔蒙那样的被定时地激发。 庆祝,有什么好庆祝? 矛盾的地方就是,我讨厌节日,却喜欢假期。 刚才在车上向T提起,觉得很多节日都变调了,无非就是我们已经渐渐忘了节日的由来和意义,不同的节日只是不同的庆祝方式,做着不同的东西,都是在找乐子。 而我静静一个人,原本并没有必要特地去找些什么乐子。我很开心啊。一个人并不一定会比跟很多人在一起不快乐。 虽然这样想,但不出去似乎对不住朋友,还是去吧。有时别太任性。 他们都说圣诞快乐,谁会关心谁有什么值得庆贺?

Stray Dogs in Seremban

One thing I realised after coming to Seremban is that there are so many stray dogs around, and I hate seeing these dogs roaming around just like that. They can be killed easily on the road. I think it was last week I saw a dog got knocked down by a car on the road. Also, where are they gonna find food? There's nothing much I can do for them for now, however. Financially and time wise it is difficult to feed them regularly or to spay/neuter them. What I can do is to feed them if I see them around when I am having lunch. Maybe, just maybe when I start a Buddhist Society here we can start doing some charity activities and help these dogs. One of the stray dogs I fed few weeks ago Suddenly thought of Noni, the poodle I adopted for a few days earlier this year . I still remember you waited for me to wake up outside of my room. You are a smart dog, and I sincerely wish that you are at a good place, with a good owner taking care of you. Sometimes there's only so much we...