
Showing posts from November, 2012


没想到只是几个星期的共同奋斗,造就了这份革命情感。 和电影不同的是,现实的励志故事不一定有美好的结局。努力奋斗后的结局揭晓,她哭了、她不甘、她道歉、她不舍,作为队长的他虽无法接受也得照顾每个人的感受,虽然他可能是最难受的那个。 最后,他保证一定会再约定,只因还有不舍,还有没用完的经历和情感。 等到再次约定,原来每个人对彼此的认识不深,虽然彼此曾经同仇敌忾和共同努力过。 不爱说话的他,不想场面冷清,心甘情愿地说着属于自己的故事和笑话。而当时不禁想,对于那个结果,相信大家都已释怀。即使不,又能怎样? 然后回到了的当初结缘的地方,尽情挥洒汗水。当大家放开了自己,我们才了解这是我们最舒服的地方。太多太多的真情流露,谁说朋友一定要交心? 有人问过我,是过程比较重要还是结局重要?有点功利的我很想说过程,但是无法摸着良心说只有过程才重要。但认识了他们后才发觉,也许过程真的重要太多了。 短短的一段时间,我想我又学到了一些,谢谢你们。


隔了那么多年终于读回那本淡蓝色的日记本。 还记得当年,只懂得跟随情绪和直觉横冲直撞,以为世界就是这样。 曾经构想的蓝图,是那么的天真和不可靠。你默默承受,如今忆起我仍心存感激。 是不早熟的我,以为很多东西都能轻易拥有,才会得寸进尺贪得无厌。真要经过了几年的磨练,才明白真爱是多么难得。 该舍的我早已舍得,不去跟往事瞎扯,却也失去了前进的勇气。是不是不去面对就真的无法启程? 当眼前有太多的看不清,我想,还是躲避上眼睛倾听内心的声音。 我祝你幸福,我也祝我幸福 =)

Bon Voyage

I was about to sleep, until I saw a Facebook status which shocked me so much that I decided to get up from bed and start blogging again. I am not sure if you have got a friend like this, there are some people who appeared for just a short while in your life, yet they might influence you so much that your perspective towards things in life has changed. I was lucky enough to have encountered such people. He's a Thai who was doing his Master degree in UNSW when I first know him. I was the general secretary of UNIBUDS (UNSW Buddhist Society), and he has volunteered to be the librarian. I was lucky enough to be working with him throughout a very short period of 8 months, till he graduated and went back to Thailand for good. Some say you can learn from people's wisdom through their speech and action, and that's very true. He's inspiring through both his action and speech. When people speak kind words, some you know they do it because they think that's the right way ...